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The scholarships worth 1000 C$ are to assist the underprivileged children from orphanages and poor families, and are intended to help them to develop their talents and passions.<br /> <br /> This year, the scholarships were awarded on three occasions. On July 3, they were awarded to 24 young people from Radom, on September 17  to 15 children in Kielce, and on November 27 - to 23 children in Warsaw. Representatives of the Canadian Embassy are honoured to be invited to the ceremony of the scholarships awards. In November, Ms. Julia McNeill, Councillor and Consul, Mr Jacek KozBowski, the Mazowsze voivode and local government representatives from Warszawa-Wawer met with the recipients of the awards.  Be proud of your talents, because they are something you can proudly share with others , said Ms. McNeill. The meeting with the young people, their teachers and guardians was marked by an exhibition of artistic works and music performed by the young people.<br /> <br /> In order to directly thank the donors of the Foundation, two of the scholarship recipients from Radom visited Canada at the invitation of the Polish Orphans Charity on December 5-9, 2012. Dominika Wsik and Klaudia Kowalik, both students of art schools in Radom, participated at a gala  White Christmas Dinner on December 6. Klaudia sang the beautiful Polish Christmas carols and Dominika presented her works of art. On behalf of the 212 awarded Polish children, they expressed their gratitude to all donors and contributors to the Polish Orphans Charity headed by Dr Richarda Russ.<br /> <br /> Please see more details about this - go to the original website: <a href="http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/poland-pologne/highlights-faits/2012/Polish_Orphans_Charity_2012.aspx?lang=eng&view=d" target="_blank">here</a>.<br /> <br /> <br /> <a class="lnkMore" href="../News/">back to News</a></div> </div> <div id="footer"><div id="motto">"Loving is Giving... 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